Inspiration vs Intimidation
The gym can be a frightening place for a novice. It doesn’t matter if you just want to get on the treadmill, try a new weight machine or brave the free weight section.
You mount the treadmill, start of at a walk, speed up to a trot and then level out at a steady job. You’re on a 5.0 and you feel like you’re doing the most. Then in walks some chic that bounds onto the treadmill and with long graceful strides of a gazelle she is gliding effortlessly at a 7.0.
I am not her! LOL
It is so easy to be intimidated by her but don’t be. Change your frame of mind and instead be inspired. Most people in the gym that are killing it didn’t start out where you encounter them in their progress. You build up stamina the same way you build up strength; little by little. If you are steady for a mile at a 5.0, in the next mile move up to a 5.5 or a 6.0.
The weight machine area is not different. I was working out with a lady I know once, and we were using the weight machines. When she was done at a machine, she wiped it down, as you always should, and then she changed the weight. She worked at 40 lbs. but changed it to 90 lbs. before walking away. I asked her why she did this and she told me, “I don’t want anyone to watch me leave the machine and come right behind me and laugh at how little weight I’m able to use.”
I laughed at first but then I felt bad for her. Its not enough to be concerned about looking crazy because you are using the machine wrong but there is the added stress of being judged if someone comes to the machine after you. That isn’t something I’d do but if she was fearful to the point of changing the weight, there is likely someone out there that would make her fear warranted.
Again, everyone has to start somewhere. Put your headphones on, zone out and don’t even pay enough attention to others to know if they are watching you or not. If you don’t know how to use the machine, read the instructions, most of which include pictures. Some machines even have a code you can scan to watch a video of how to use the machine. If it doesn’t have a code and you want to use the machine, just Google “How to use a….” on YouTube.
If you come to a machine and it has too much weight on it for you, be inspired. Reset it to where you need it to be but challenge yourself and know that one day, if you are disciplined and determined, you will lift with the weight set to where it is already OR, you might move it higher! If you are steady for 3 sets of 8-10 reps at 40 lbs., in the next set turned it up to 45 lbs.
Take that same attitude to the free weights. If your free weight section is full of sweating grunting red-faced dudes, drinking out of gallon water jugs that look like they’re heads are about to explode, IGNORE THEM. They likely aren’t looking at you anyway, they are probably looking at themselves in the mirror. LOL Pick up something small and see how it feels for 3 sets of 8-10 reps. If it isn’t challenging enough, go up 5 or 10 lbs. If you can keep your form and fatigue only at the end, stay there for a little while and when it is easy, and you don’t feel fatigued at the end of 3 sets of 8-10 reps, increase the rate, the sets or the reps. It really just depends on what your goals are.
Any self-conscious feelings you have, realize that you probably share them with 60% of the people around you but usually no one is paying as much attention to us as we fear they are.
You can be inspired, or you can be intimidated. The emotion that you make primary is really only up to you. Chose to be inspired. Until then…
