I am frequently asked “What is the stuff on your salad that looks like fish eggs?” That would be the quinoa. I am also asked why I add quinoa to almost every meal. Here’s why.
As a child and well into adulthood, I ate white rice with almost every dinner that was prepared at home. Grains are an important part of any diet. I love white rice and it is a grain, but it isn’t the best grain to have if your goal is a healthy diet or to lose weight.
According to webmd.com, “healthy grains are packed with protein, fiber, B vitamins and antioxidants.” Web MD goes on to say that, “Healthy grains also reduce the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and some forms of cancer. Whole-grain diets can also improve bowel health by helping to maintain regular bowel movements and promote growth of healthy bacteria in the colon.”
Everyone knows about carbs and everyone immediately assumes they are bad. Not all carbs are bad. Grains are separated into simple and complex carbs.
Simple carbs are broken down quickly and are used for energy. You get them from fruits, milk, processed and refined sugars (candy, white rice, white pasta, white sugar, syrup, soda, fruit juices). The quick breakdown is why you get a “crash” after candies, cakes and sodas. White rice contains the same refined sugars as candies and etc. and is a simple carb.
Complex carbs take longer to break down and are a more stable source of energy than simple carbs. They provide more lasting energy than simple carbs. Examples of complex carbs are quinoa, buckwheat, barley, oats, brown rice, millet and whole grain.
The longer breakdown and sustained energy along with the health benefits is more than enough reason for me swap out white rice for quinoa. Sometimes I have a quinoa and millet mix. The texture is different than rice, but the taste is very similar.
As much as I used to eat rice, I don’t miss it at all. If the look or texture is what is holding you back from trying healthy grains, well, GROW UP! It’s that simple. If you want to change and make better health choices, you have to try new things and that will require you to acquire some new tastes along the way. #EatMoreHealthyGrainsBih

Very nice!!! The breakdown of simple and complex was extremely helpful!