When we think of home gyms we think of those luxurious ones with benches, chest press bars, squat racks and 10 different weight sets. But realistically, most of us don’t really need or want all of that. Honestly, as long as you can get to a park or your neighborhood had sidewalks or walking trials you don’t really need a treadmill either.You can put together a home gym that is more than sufficient little by little without breaking the bank.If you would like to add to your home gym, these are the products I recommend.
I recommend these specific because I use them myself and the www.JustTammyA.com website will be sharing free home workouts centered around these products. In total these items come to just over $240. Depending on the gym, that is less than the cost of 2 months (Lifetime Fitness) to 24 months (Planet Fitness) of gym fees. If you chose to purchase any of the recommended items, the above images are Just Tammy A Amazon affiliate links. Click any image above to purchase and support ya girl! Until then…#LiftSomethingBih